- Motorcycle and car, on the left side of the road.
- Be operated in accordance with traffic signs. (*1)
- Ride a motorcycle to wear a helmet always.
- Drive a car to wear a seat belt always.
- Don't use mobile phone while driving.
日本の交通ルール (基本編)
- 自動車やオートバイは、左側通行です。
- 交通標識に従って運転すること。(*1)
- 必ずヘルメットを着用してオートバイに乗る。
- 必ずシートベルトを着用して車を運転する。
- 運転中に携帯電話を使用しない。
>> Next time is about the traffic signs (*1) .... >>
2 件のコメント:
hello,i am peterpan.i watched your blog. i came your blog from the link of the meeting on Tuesday. i am very surprised at your taking a trip to the all over Japan. And i felt you are enjoying the motorcycle life very much. i want to see you again someday.
so i began FB recently, too. i live on the name of mitsunori Ootani. See you,
> Mr.Ootani
Thank you for your comments.